Valuation is the assessment or re-evaluation of the value of an asset in accordance with the market at a certain place and time according to Vietnamese standards or international practices.

Real estate appraisal is an estimated amount of the value of real estate ownership: land use rights, ownership of houses, structures attached to land being traded on the market at valuation time and for a well-defined purpose under the conditions of a given market with appropriate methods specified in Vietnamese valuation standards or international practices.
Real estate is assets that include:
• Land;
• Houses and constructions attached to land, including properties attached to such houses and constructions;
• Other assets attached to land;
• Other assets prescribed by law…
Real estate prices depend largely on the supply-demand relationship in the market. When demand is greater than supply, real estate prices are often pushed up; conversely, when demand is lower than supply, real estate prices tend to fall.
However, the price depends on many other factors such as those stemming from market defects such as "monopoly", "speculation", "unfair competition", etc. Factors stemming from State intervention such as State investment in upgrading infrastructure of residential areas (roads, water supply and drainage, electricity supply...)
Real Estate Valuation Methods
- Direct comparison/comparison method
- Discount cost method
- Investment method (traditional investment method/discounted cash flow technique)
- The residual method (or business analysis / hypothetical development method)
- Profit method and other methods...
Purpose of Real Estate Appraisal
- Property mortgage, credit guarantee;
- Buying, selling, transferring, contributing capital to joint ventures;
- Establishment of enterprises, equitization of enterprises;
- Debt settlement, enterprise dissolution;
- Compensation, insurance, claims;
- Accounting, tax calculation;
- Consulting and setting up investment projects;
- Other purposes
Real Estate Appraisal – SunReal includes:
• Residential Real Estate Appraisal – SunHome
• Commercial Real Estate Appraisal – SunCommercial
• Appraisal of Industrial Real Estate – SunIndustry: Land, industrial park, infrastructure, ..
• Valuation of Resort Real Estate – SunResort: Villa, resort, land and construction works on land for resorts, utilities, etc.
With many years of experience and abundant information data warehouse, a large and highly qualified team of appraisal experts, a fast and strict appraisal process, minimizing appraisal costs... Besides, services SUNVALUE of Hoang Quan Appraisal  will bring to customers the experience of Real Estate Management services to monitor fluctuations with fast implementation, quality, and reasonable prices through the application of Information Technology in the field. Comprehensive digital transformation for appraisals, and reliable pricing data also create the most professional services
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