In order to express our sincere gratitude to customers for the past 19 years, who have always trusted and used Hoang Quan Appraisal Service, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the trust and cooperation of our customers who have always accompanied us in this journey. upcoming road. Hoang Quan Appraisal Company informs customers and partners of the 10% service fee discount program for customers who have used the appraisal service at the company as follows:

Program implementation period: from June 28, 2021 to July 28, 2021

Conditions apply

- All individual or business customers who have used appraisal services at the company want to appraise new properties
- Or the companys customers want to re-appraise their assets within the past 1 year.
- Customers only need to send contracts, appraisal certificates or other valid documents to be eligible to apply this program.
- This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions

Scope of application: Apply nationwide. View the system of branches and transaction offices HERE

With the mission of pioneering in the field of valuation as well as providing the most accurate appraisal results, Appraisal Hoang Quan is proud to be a reputable and professional operating unit in providing good services. in the field of Valuation, professional appraisal services such as:

• Real Estate Appraisal: Land, Townhouses, Villas, Apartments, Offices, Towns, Trade Centers, Production and business establishments, Factories,...
• Valuation of Real Estate: Machinery - equipment, production lines, means of transport...
• Appraisal of Investment Projects: Industrial Park, Office-Commercial Building, Resort,...
• Business Valuation: Intellectual Property Rights, Brand Value, Intangible Assets, Valuation of Financial Assets (Valuable Papers).
• Valuation of Resources: Minerals, forests, mines, etc.

With more than 40 branches and transaction offices across the country, a team of professionals with full experience and knowledge in many fields of business are doctors, masters, appraisers, finance and banking experts. experienced goods.

Hoang Quan Appraisal Company sincerely thanks the attention, trust and cooperation of current and future customers for the Company. We are committed to always be with you - both in good times and in difficult times, always "Accompanying for development - Steadily reaching out"

Send request a quote

Please share with us some of your information, we will contact you upon request

0901 300 949