You are intending to sell your house, or you are interested in real estate buying and selling, your biggest concern right now is valuing the house for sale. So, how to offer a reasonable price, worthy of the existing property, attractive to attract many home buyers? If you are stuck in this circle, please join us in updating these 4 golden steps to solve your concerns in the most proper way.


Do not rush to evaluate the house when you do not have full information about the house you own. This is also the time when you need to survey the trends of the real estate market (real estate) at the time you are about to put your home up for sale.
Regarding the review process, we need to pay attention to both the subjective and the objective side of the house when talking about it. Subjective here are the factors inside and around your house, while the objective is environmental issues such as economy, society, nature that affect the actual value as well as the buying and selling trend. Real estate at the present time.

First: About the subjective factor

House classification:

You need to classify the status of your house in which hierarchy, is it a level 4, level 3, level 2, level 1, villa, or high-class villa... to determine the correct housing price. However, it must be calculated from the time of house construction or repair to deduct depreciation.

Home Location:

Your house is located on the street frontage, internal road surface, main alley or side alley. If the house is located right on the street front, it has a higher business value, so the selling price will also be higher than the alley houses.

Consider scale:

Remember, as detailed as possible, from area to length, width to the size of each room, balcony, especially terraces, mezzanines, etc. All, you need to write very clearly, specific scale body.

Legal status:

This issue is very important, the existing legal documents on land use rights, house ownership and construction permits must be complete.

External architectural form:

Describe the look of your house in at least 5 adjectives. Aesthetics are also part of the value of your existing property.


Although this factor is not a top priority for real estate developers, the comfort of the interior is very attractive information for those who want to buy a house and want to use it for living purposes. This is absolutely a point worth noting to help you increase the price of your home and make a more suitable real estate valuation.

Second: Objective factors

Current real estate needs:

Follow the news on the radio when you are selling your house to update the hot situation of the real estate market at that time. You can also follow the information on reliable websites and update continuously from many websites to get the most accurate and timely information. Besides, you can refer to the information in forums or friends, but dont be in a hurry to believe it 100%, but check the information through official channels to get the best assessment.
Tip: A small note, Vietnam is an East Asian country, so some times of the year the real estate market is sluggish like the 7th lunar month (often called the ghost month). Therefore, it is not convenient for buying and selling, building a house, settling down and starting a business. At the same time, the time of Tet and right after Tet is not the right time to sell houses.

Current policies:

The change in policy direction and local government can have impacts on the real estate market in general and investment in real estate in particular:

Indirect policies such as encouraging foreign investment in the locality can stimulate real estate demand.

- Direct impact policies, tax policies, policies for land grantees, policies for real estate investment activities.

Nature and environment impact

Unstable natural and environmental situations such as natural disasters, floods, pollution, etc., will also affect the selling price of your house.


Once you have fully understood your home, its time to refer to the current real estate markets selling price based on the information about the house youve collected in step 1. Use the methods below to determine the price. your real estate:

Find out information about asking prices through the internet and newspapers
Go to the internet, search your area, see the listings for sale if you see any similar to your house or land. The volume of news for home sale on the internet and newspapers every day is very large, so you only need to spend less than 30 minutes to have all the information you need. Note how to rearrange the information in descending order of similarity to your home, and note the features that you consider to be the most expensive of that house.

Or find out through houses and land for sale in your area:
Play the role of a homebuyer, you go survey the houses that are posted for sale in the area near your house, ask for the selling price, if you can see more than 3 units, it is very good to be able to determine the price. his real estate.

Browse through properties for sale in your area:
If you dont know, ask the neighbors to see what new houses have moved into your area (preferably the neighborhood leader). Please visit those houses, if possible, 03 or more apartments are a reasonable choice for your reference. You will have a good idea of ​​the selling prices of the above homes to make a valuation for your home.


Now will be the time to review and compare all the information of homes that have been sold and are for sale. Ignore some properties that are too different from yours, (for example, too far away, or too different in timing, which in a normally developed market would still be available within 60 days). value for comparison.)

Then find and document the advantages of your home over the homes on the list in step 2. Those advantages are an added percentage that you can confidently offer a good price. and still convince home buyers.


This is the final basic step for you to find the most suitable price for your home.

Examples are as follows:

You find out the asking price through the survey is 100 million dong, now you need to base on the housing market in the area where your real estate is developing? To offer the most reasonable asking price to ensure your property as well as attract buyers.

If youre in a market where real estate prices are hot, you can increase your asking price by 10% over the appraisal information you have. And if the real estate market is in danger of freezing, you can use the appraisal information as a tool to set the selling price by the price you have surveyed (100 million) plus about 5%. . It would be smart if you could figure out the advantages of your real estate over the properties that have already been traded. Use these advantages to negotiate a better price with the buyer.

For a more objective decision, if you do not have the help of a real estate professional, ask friends and family about the reasonableness and practicality of your prices. And dont forget to explain to them clearly about the market, advantages, and advantages of your home (things you learned very carefully in step 1) before asking them about the price. However, for these opinions only for reference, do not be too alarmed when you receive too many comments.


So, with these 4 steps will help you value your home more professionally, you are really ready to be able to value your home already! Wish you have a suitable price for sale!

Source: Mogi.vn

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